Providing Organizational Design, Leadership Development,
and Lean Implementation Services
PearTree specializes in the development of high performance leaders and teams coupled with Lean Systems Implementation.
Services Provided:
Organizational Design & Development
Leadership Development and Training
Lean Tools & Culture Implementation
Change Management​
"You get the culture you deserve"
- Anthony Salemi
(Owner of Innovative Development Techniques)
Organizational Design and Development​
​It starts with the Accountability Question. Who, does What, by When, and How?
Value stream mapping
Key Performance Indicators
Standard Operating Procedures
Accountability Systems
Leader Standard Work
Role clarity results in specific "KACE" requirements that provide the criteria
for hiring "the right stuff"

Lean Tools and Culture Implementation​​
Business System Development
​​KPI & War Room Development
5S & Visual Factory
Rapid Improvement Project Management
Operator Standard Work & Leader Standard Work
Personal Accountability Training
PearTree delivers Accountability Training and on-going Coaching to Managers, Supervisors, and Natural Work Teams to support change management efforts.
Sustainable lean transformation efforts require intentional execution of leadership and culture development. Front line managers and the work teams that add value (i.e. where the work is done) need the "soft" skills to give and take feedback. Continous improvement efforts need constant feedback supported by Plan Do Check Act do loops.
Contact us for details on Personal Accountability Training. Heavy focus on developing leadership skills for direct line supervisors.
About PearTree
Paul Pereira has successfully managed both large and small private and public manufacturing organizations for over 30 years. PearTree LLC is the result of Paul's passion for people development in the context of natural work teams. By utilizing his knowledge and experience implementing Lean Management solutions coupled with Human Capital design and development, Paul can equip individuals and organizations with the tools and capabilities to Win.
Paul started his professional career as a Metallurgical Engineer working for ALCOA Inc. in Rockdale, Texas. The Texas smelter was the largest in the US, producing 2 million pounds of aluminum every day. Alcoa also operated two lignite surface coal mines and 4 power plants to generate electricity for aluminum smelting and power sales into the Texas grid. It was a great business for a young engineer to cut his teeth.
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After 17 years, Paul had managed nearly every area of the smelter and power generation assets, while recieving high level training in Lean Implementation and Leadership and Organizational Development. During his tenure at Alcoa, Paul obtained an advanced degree in Applied Behavioral Science with a focus on Leadership.
During the 7 years running ductile iron pipe plants for US Pipe in Alabama, Paul got one-on-one Leadership Development training and mentoring with the principle owner of Innovative Development Techniques. IDT specialized in Org Development and Leadership Development. During this time, Paul honed his skills for developing leaders and building high accountability organizations.